Austin Created a $15M Pandemic Relief Fund. Here's How to Access Some of that Money, KUT 90.5
Emergency Funds Now Available
As of April 22nd, the City of Austin launched the RISE fund with $15 million to assist in helping residents of Austin in need of emergency assistance with basic needs such as, food, rent, mortgage, utilities and more.
Before calling the distributing organizations below, please call 211 first:
- Austin Area Urban League: (512) 838-3442
- El Buen Samaritano: (512) 439-8902 or via email: [email protected]
- Catholic Charities -- call one of the numbers below based on the first letter of your last name:
- A-D: 512-910-5768
- E-K: 512-910-5907
- L-R: 512-910-7076
- S-Z: 512-910-7170
- Asian Family Support Service: https://www.afssaustin.org/
Following Requirements Required:
- Provide proof of residence in Travis County (utility bill, etc.)
- A photo I.D.
- Did NOT receive the stimulus check from the Federal Government
For more information on the RISE program visit: The Austin Chronicle
Other Resources
- For help with utilities and water please call Travis County Health Office: (512) 854-4120
- Dial: 211 for alternate resources