Positive and Religious-Influenced Current News
The Austin Diocese
- Offers Spiritual Resources in Regards to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- This website has information on keeping a positive outlook through faith and prayer
- Offers daily reflections, and reading material
- Live-streamed liturgies
- Both English and Spanish
Site: https://austindiocese.org/covid-19-spiritual-resources
Subscribe to the Newsletter: https://www.austindiocese.org/newsletter-subscribe
Our Lady of Guadalupe Catholic Church
- E-Bulletins
- Newsletter subscription emails
- More info for this church on the Church Services Page
Website sign up: https://discovermass.com/church/our-lady-of-guadalupe-spanish-austin-tx/#bulletins
Further Readings and Support
Article on Perspective by: Tyler O'Neil; March 17, 2020
"How Early Christians Saved Lives and Spread the Gospel During Roman Plagues"