Social Distancing

Active Social Distancing is KEY 

  • Currently, social distancing is for EVERYONE to practice and we should all be quarantined at home 
  • Those with high risk factors (i.e., being in close contact with an infected person, having a compromised immune system, respiratory illnesses, tobacco users, working in a medical field or daycare center, diabetes, severe obesity, traveling, or are age 65+)
  • Stay isolated at home with your family, if you’re feeling ill isolate yourself away from any members of the residence, wear a mask especially in public if any trip such as doctor's appointment is needed
  • Work from home if possible and those working around people must keep min.6 feet away, gloves and/or masks may be helpful
  • Minimize human contact (social gatherings, play dates, ride sharing, daycare for children if possible, and only go to public places if absolutely necessary with 6 foot rule in mind)
  • Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with warm water often, especially after being in public
  • Avoid touching your face unless hands are clean 
  • Wipe down frequently touched surfaces with bleach, alcohol, or disinfectant spray (i.e., kid's toys, doorknobs, handles, keys, phone)
  • Prevention is key, act as if you have the virus and follow proper recommendations
  • Other than family members that reside at your home, limit visitors

Public Transportation/Services

Cap Metro

  • Fare Free is a new regulation that encourages social distancing by implementing free rides so riders do not have to stop and show their bus pass or pay the fee box, thus preventing a close proximity of individuals
  • This is free service for NECESSARY rides only and encourages individuals to work from home and limit public exposure
  • Night Owl routes are temporarily suspended

UT Shuttle

  • This service will be suspended while the shelter-in-place is in effect


  • All TxDMV offices will be closed due to social distancing regulations until further notice
  • Vehicle registration and renewal are temporarily suspended until further notice
  • The TxDMV can still be contacted via email, phone, or mail
  • For more information regarding this new city ordinance visit:

Further Information

The Washington Post, March 14, 2020:

Why outbreaks like coronavirus spread exponentially, and how to “flatten the curve”  

Video from World Health Organization:


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